We Need New Tires Mini Sessions

This is a special deal for specific friends only (I’m charging way less than half of my usual rate). Please don’t share or forward this link. If you want to skip right to the sign-up sheet, it’s here.

What’s the deal?
30-minute holiday mini sessions (minimum 20 minutes shooting time). I’ll have a winter-themed setup ready for you and your family to step into. You’ll get, at minimum, one pic of each kid, one pic of the kids together if you have more than one, and one pic of the whole family. Every kid goes home with a candy cane, unless you give me the “nix the candy canes” signal.

New this year! I am also offering a second option! As an experiment this year, I’m offering a couple of in-your-house mini shoots (we’ll have to find a different day). Details toward the bottom.

When are the mini shoots?
Saturday, November 23, starting at 9:00 a.m.

Cat’s house, 531 Bagot Street. Please note we are shooting in the house, not the studio — I need more room to set up for families with 3+ kids.

How much?
$60 cash, don’t tell the G-Man. This year, I am also asking for people to consider donating an additional $10 (or more!) to my collection for Against Malaria (100% of donations buy long-lasting insecticidal nets that protect people from malaria — each net costs US$2 and protects two people. If you want to know more about Against Malaria or about The Life You Can Save, which is a book you should definitely read as well as a nonprofit that ranks the most impactful charities in the world, please ask me!).

If you have more than three kids, there is a surcharge of one tea latte, payable at any time.

People asked me if I would do the mini sessions again this year, and I like you guys. Also I was saving for a new camera but it turns out our CRV needs new tires so there goes that plan!

What’s it going to look like?
This year there will be twinkle lights! TWINKLE LIGHTS, people! The look will be different than previous years for a bit of variety.

Cool. How do I sign up?
Right here!

What happens if the times all fill up?
I might add more, especially if someone offers to help Matt with the kids that day so Graham can nap. If they’re full and that makes you sad, email me.

What should we wear?
It’s up to you, of course! Some thoughts:

  • The setup is going to be relatively neutral in colour, so I recommend you wear some colour for some pop (though I will also have colourful props, so feel free to opt for neutrals if you want to go for that look).
  • Kids in festive PJs are always adorable if you have them.
  • Red plaid is still totally in.
  • Red clothes or red and green together with white are always a hit.
  • Cozy sweaters give a lovely winter feel. You could add toques and scarves too and go all winter all the time.
  • Tacky Christmas sweaters are a fun option.
  • You can decide whether you’d like to match as a family or not. I usually recommend the clothes tie together in some way (so everyone has some red on them or something like that — a link can be subtle or totally matchy-matchy).

I put together a quick Pinterest board with some pictures of cute outfits on neutral backgrounds to provide some inspiration but whatever you and your kids feel comfortable in will be great. I’m pretty good, but I can’t get a smile out of a kid in itchy new pants.

What should we bring?
I will have a variety of props on hand. If you want to have the kids eating Christmas cookies, carrying favourite stuffies, or reading a Christmas book, bring them along. If you want to include special stockings or the like, bring them and we’ll work them in. I will not have any Santa hats because I’m scared of lice, so if you want Santa hats, bring yer own! If you have more than two kids, I don’t recommend using a lot of props since the pictures can be pretty busy anyway.

Can we do something totally weird?
Within reason, yes! I can’t change the lighting setup because I won’t have time to reset it before the next family, but if you want to make silly faces, stand on your head, or, I don’t know, be in your underwear, I support weirdness in principle.

But I don’t celebrate Christmas!
No problem! The set is more of a winter theme and you can choose or bring props that suit you.

What if my child is completely melting down during my time slot?
Together we’ll do our very best to keep a cheery tone going on and keep the kids happy; you can also say the magic word and at your command I will 100% bring out a food bribe (mini marshmallows). To be honest, though, I love me a grumpy kid Christmas photo.

My family has changed recently.
Many people I love have had big changes in their families in the past few years. Change is super hard and taking a photo of a family with a new configuration after a parting of ways or a loss can bring up a lot of big feelings. If your family doesn’t look the way it used to or maybe the way you thought it would, please talk to me about how we can make a really lovely photo together with your family the way it looks with you, right now, in all its beauty. If you and your kids might need extra time or support, we can make that happen.

Can you make a beautiful custom Christmas card or postcard with my favourite picture?
Why yes, I can. Talk to me if you’re interested.

What if I hate the photos?
You won’t, but if you do, I’ll give you your money back, of course.

I want to do this but I really just don’t have any cash at all to spare right now.
Talk to me; we’ll work something out.

Wait, what were you saying about coming to my house?
I got a smile out of almost every single kid who came through last year, but I know some kids are a lot more relaxed in their own space. If you feel like that’s your kid OR if you just really want a pic in your space, let’s talk; if you can tidy your living room or whatever and we can find a time, I’ll come by with a studio light and take some pics in your house. I have to charge more for this, sorry ($100), and it’s likely to take a bit more time. But it’ll be a lot of fun! And I’ll still bring your kids candy canes.